Business Process Modeling

Business Process Modeling tells us the order in which Business Functions ought to be carried out in response to some Trigger in order to arrive at a business Outcome. This outcome may be a Preferred Outcome or a Non-Preferred Outcome.

The Integrated Modeling Method (IMM™) shows you how to model Business Processes in a way that makes them:

  • unambiguous  and easy to understand
  • easy for the business to perform
  • able to be tuned and executed in the fewest possible steps

IMM™ also makes it clear why, before you do Business Process Modeling, you ought to build the Function Catalogue.
Business Process Diagram for 'Accept Customer Orders'
The essential stages in Business Process Modeling are:

  • Build the Function Catalogue.
  • Identify what Business Processes the business requires to be modeled.
  • For each Process:
    • Identify and define the Preferred Outcome – this is mandatory. No identified Preferred Outcome means no Process!
    • Identify and document all Business Triggers that could initiate this process.
    • Identify, document and rank all Non-Preferred Outcomes. These are valid, if non- preferred, outcomes at which to terminate the Process if the Preferred Outcome cannot be achieved.
    • Identify the Elementary Business Functions (Process Steps) needed to take the process from the Trigger(s) to each of the Outcomes.
    • Identify and map the Precedence of all Process Steps, i.e. which steps precede/follow which other steps.
    • Draw the Business Process.

All you will ever need to know about business process modeling is contained in the IMM™ Business Process Modeling Book available in digital format from our  Online Store.