Business Procedure Modeling shows HOW to implement Business Processes in order to take account of different platforms, structures and technologies.
This book is essential reading for anyone committed to implementing pragmatic, effective, efficient, rationalized and tuned Business Procedures in their enterprise.
This book will tell you all that you need to know in order to model Procedures in enterprises of any size, in any business sector.
Product Description
A well-modeled Business Process would show you how to receive and validate Customer orders. But what happens when an order can be received in one of several ways, such as by fax, letter, email, phone, internet, etc?
This is where you need to utilize Procedure Modeling as it will enable you to take account of all of the different scenarios that might arise.
This book explains step-by-step how to build Procedure Models in a way that will enable you to quickly and simply implement them.
It lays the foundation for successful Procedure Modeling by starting with the fundamentals, such as defining exactly what a Procedure is and how it differs from a Process.
It takes you step-by-step through the process of modeling a Procedure in real life, showing how to validate what you are doing as you go, including how to:
- Identify who to invite to modeling workshops
- Prepare and invite them.
- Set up the modeling environment.
- Select the Procedure to model.
- Validate Procedures against their ‘Parent’ Process.
- Ensure that Procedures are aligned with the desired business outcomes.
- Draw a path for each different triggering mechanism.
- Rationalize and merge multiple paths.
- Tune and optimize the merged paths.
It has a comprehensive section on formal Procedure Modeling Standards and Conventions that will enable you to ensure that your Procedures have no inherent logic flaws that would cause an indeterminate outcome for your Procedure.
It shows you how to use Swim Lanes to model Procedure across different departments, different job roles, different technologies, etc.
Then it introduces Work Instructions and explains how these underpin good Procedure execution.
It comes with a 20 page Glossary of highly relevant and pragmatic definitions covering all areas of business, process, procedure and data analysis and modeling and systems development.
If you read the book IMM Business Function Modeling, then you will be able to straightaway model and implement ‘To Be’ Procedures without having to first go through the pain of modeling the ‘As Is’ Procedures.
This digital book comes in the form of a printable pdf.