MDM Module 1: Product
This Course introduces you to the overall concepts of Multi-Dimensional Master Data Management, a unique and powerful approach to Master Data Management (MDM) developed by John Owens, the creator of IMM, the Integrated Modelling Method.
Having laid a solid foundation with the concepts of Multi-Dimensional (MDM) it then goes on to describe in detail how to identify and model all of the varied aspects of Product, which is the Master Entity that generates all revenue for an enterprise.
It does this modelling in a way that will enable you to bring real power and benefits to Product Management in your business. It covers the full spectrum of Products, including:
- raw materials
- component products
- recipes, retail products
- wholesale products
- bundled products
- marketing products.
Although this course deals with advanced MDM concepts and structures, it is structured and presented in a way that makes it ideal for both novices and experts alike.
Here is what John has to say about why he created this Mult-Dimensional Master Data Management:
"I have been modelling and implementing Master Data Management structures in enterprises for more than three decades. Over that period I have seen the general approach to MDM deteriorate, rather than improve, due to the fragmentation caused by department-centric systems. The major objective of good MDM ought to be the elimination of fragmentation and duplication of Master Entities across an enterprise. Sadly, prevailing MDM practices actually exacerbate this. I wanted to provide an approach to MDM that would enable all players in the MDM enterprise game to be able to start from their own point of view that served their own 'local' needs and yet still be able to create MDM models that would fit fully into an integrated enterprise view. This why I called this approach 'Multi-Dimensional MDM' because it enables MDM to be viewed and driven from many different enterprise points of view."
MDM Module 2: Party
This online training course is second in the series on Master Data Management (MDM). It describes how to identify, model and manage the most misunderstood Master Data Entity of all, namely Party.
This module will come as a shock to many MDM practitioners as it reveals that ‘Customer’ is NOT a Master Entity (nor, for that matter are ‘Supplier’, ‘Employee’, etc.) but then goes on to explain WHY THIS IS and introduces the extremely powerful and almost infinitely flexible Master Entities of Party and Party Role.
This approach to PARTY is ESSENTIAL for ALL enterprises that wish to achieve:
- Sustainable GDPR Compliance.
- Effective Single Customer View (SCV).
- Efficient Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The approach that this course takes to Party and Party Role probably make it one of the most innovative and pragmatic courses on MDM available online today.
Though it addresses advanced MDM concepts, it is designed and written in such a way as to make it suitable for both Novice and Expert MDM practitioners alike.
After you purchase this MDM course module, you will receive a link to a downloadable file that gives full details on how to access this module.
Module 3: Location
This online training course is the third in the series on Multi-Dimensional Master Data Management (MDM) from IMM. It describes how to identify, model and manage the Master Data Entity of Location.
It shows how Location can appear in many formats from a standard street address to raw geographic coordinates and demonstrates how to select and model Location in ways that best suit your industry and enterprise.
It explains why ‘Address’ is not an attribute of Party (e.g. an Individual or an Enterprise) but a special type of Location.
This difference is essential to know when you are trying to make an enterprise GDPR Compliant, as the relationship to Location is an essential part of defining the Unique Identifier of a Party (e.g. an Individual or an Enterprise).
The approach taken to Location that is described in this Module is very powerful and offers an enterprise almost infinite flexibility in the way they manage this vital Master Entity.
MDM Module 4: Asset
This online training course – the fourth in the series on Master Entity Management (MDM) from IMM - describes how to model and manage the Master Data Entity of Asset.
Asset is often called the "Forgotten Master Data Entity".
However, no enterprise can deliver products or services without taking responsibility for and properly managing its Assets.
The course describes all of the various forms and structures that an Asset can take and shows how to model these in a way that will bring real benefits to the enterprise.
It also shows how the Master Entity of Asset is inextricably linked to the Master Entity of Location.
After you purchase this MDM multi-module course, you will receive a link to a downloadable file giving full details on how to access to all four modules.